Noise in SATRI amplifiers

The SCA-7511MK3 we sold to a customer in the UK last month was producing noise, so we sent it to Bacoon Products for a checkup. The result was no abnormalities.SATRI amplifiers are easily affected by inverter-type fluorescent lights and variable LEDs, and because of their extended frequency bandwidth, if they pick up noise from the input, they will put it out on the output. Also, the customer in the UK ordered 220V, but the actual usage was 230V, so there may have been some influence from that.

This time, we adopted a low-noise power supply for Bri-Amp to reduce the noise level to 1/10 of the previous level. Until now, this power supply could not be used for power amplifiers because the voltage would be lower instead of the noise being lower, resulting in lower output from the amplifier. This time, we asked them to solve the problem for the time being by changing the circuit so that there would be no reduction in output power.

I am very happy that they are able to respond to various requests in detail! I think this is a response that is hard to come by from a major manufacturer.

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