Three new models from Bakoon Products' CAP series of small-size models are now available!
All are designed for digital audio, and all are compatible with 192KHzFs / 24bit sampling data!
One of them is already available for pre-order.Digital signal selector CAP-1006which is a digital signal selector.
It provides digital signal output to most devices such as CD players, DVD players, TVs, PCs, and mobile players.
The internal logic circuitry also uses high-speed logic, so signals with a slow rise time can be converted to high-speed signals by passing them through this unit, and signals with little jitter can be converted.
And the long-awaited DACCAP-1005

The CAP-1005 is a D/A converter that supports 192KHz/24-bit sampling data.
The analog output circuit uses Baccoon Products' proprietary SATRI circuit instead of a standard op-amp to reproduce high-resolution sound sources with high precision.
Finally, it is inserted between the USB output of a PC or other device and the DAC.USB/SPDIF Digital Signal Converter USC-1001

The USC-1001 converts USB digital audio signals output from a PC to linear PCM SPDIF signals.
Outputs include coaxial, optical, and professional-use digital audio signal transmission standard AES/EBU balanced outputs.
The output is a digital signal with a very fast rise and fall, so that a signal with less jitter than the input signal can be obtained.
The output of a CD player has fine vibration ringing on the rising and falling edges that can cause jitter, but the USC-1001's output has almost no ringing and a short rise time, resulting in less jitter and improved sound quality.