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High speed and high resolution
Y-lug for 8mm terminal using aug alloy
This Y-lug for 8mm terminals is made of aug alloy, a blend of gold and silver, and has a deep cutout in the 8mm section for a secure connection to both 6mm and 8mm terminals.The connection is based on the high speed and high resolution of the auger alloy. You can enjoy higher purity of sound, and you can easily enjoy the quality of the OGU alloy even with this pin alone. The softness of the OGU alloy itself provides excellent contact when tightened.
The pins are manufactured using a wire cutter instead of the usual punching press method, which does not put stress on the material.
The sleeve part can accommodate an inner diameter of up to 2.5 mmφ and up to three augmented line SPs. The outer dimensions fit perfectly with the WBT speaker terminals used in high-end equipment.