Famous for high-end tube amplifiers and step-up transformersAstro Electronics PlanningSpeaking of which, it is a brand that pursues a more informative and purer original sound than a high-quality transformer with a robust chassis and vibration damping that incorporates sophisticated artistic internal wiring and original ideas.
Tube amplifier manufacturers, which mainly deal in such high-end equipment, have expanded their easy-to-reach, low-cost series. It is an LD series from the 100,000 yen range, a TO series from the 200,000 yen range, and a limited number of single-shot small number amplifier series.
First of all, there is the single-shot small number amplifier series and the LD series! The LD series has been in the lineup for a long time, but the price has been significantly reduced!
In the single-shot small number amplifier series, a single of 300B is 200,000 yen! Don't miss it!!